Summer Activities!!!
To start this blog, I decided to make a list of activities to do this summer. Hope you enjoy :)
1.Go hiking
It's always good to get some fresh air and stay fit at the same time.You can hike in nearby fields or maybe up a hill, it depends on your location.You can go alone,with family or with friends.
2.Read books!
I know that reading books is not something that's seen as being fun but in my opinion it's better than movies since you can envisage the characters and story yourself.It's also great to expand your vocabulary.My favourites are : the Harry Potter series,the Hunger Games trilogy,anything Danielle Steel writes,anything John Green writes,the Vampire Diaries series,the Divergent series and I also love psychological and serial killer books.I know it's weird but I do.
3.Learn how to play or play an instrument.
I personally love music.Music is everything.It makes me laugh,cry,scream,everything.So why not create music yourself? You can play the piano,guitar,drums,sing (vocal chords are an instrument too) etc.
4.Go to the beach!
Kind of obvious but yeah.The beach is great for tanning,exercising,having a laugh or eating an ice-cream.
5.Reinvent your wardrobe.
Try new things.Change up your style.Wear more colours.Wear different styles.I love watching hauls and lookbooks on Youtube.It gives me ideas on what clothes to buy and how to pair them with other clothes.
6.Volunteer work
Nowadays you can find a lot of organizations which work towards helping other people.Since usually we have a lot of free time in summer we can dedicate some of our energy towards helping other people who are less fortunate than us.
I hope this small list helps in some ways.So you don't get bored this summer.Thanks for readings and enjoy your summer :)